Saturday, May 26, 2012


INAUGURAL POST: Hi! I'm Meredith and I love to travel and take photographs 

I'm starting this blog mostly as a travel diary for myself, but also to share my photos and experiences with... well, anyone who views this blog!  When I'm not traveling, I'll also use this blog to share musings and photographs from my everyday life here in Hawaii.

My next big adventure is Thailand, and I'll be there for 18 days.  I'll be visiting the cities of Chiang Mai, Bangkok, and Phuket.  It will be my first time in Thailand and I'm so excited to experience the culture, landscapes, and of course, the FOOD!!

For now, I'll leave you all with this photo:

The view of my backyard
(Okay... It's a short 1 min. walk from my house)

- Meredith 
["For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go.  I travel for travel's sake.  The great affair is to move." - RLS]


Anonymous said...

Please post some of your other great downtown and similar building/location shots.

-mks- said...

Will do!

Tiffanyu said...

Looks like u guys r havn so much fun!! Luv the pics!